
12/30/2009 at 8:53 PM (Uncategorized)


Today I said “see you later” to my brother.  It was such a surreal experience.  I have done this before when he has gone to Kenya  and to New Zealand.  Today it was him getting on a plane to go home and I am preparing to leave for my trip.  I didn’t get the depth of our embrace until later in the day.  He was given those embraces before, he knew the language of that embrace, what I realized is that I am just learning this new language and it is exciting.  As I write this I am also realizing I have received these embraces from many people in the last few weeks and I am grateful to know of the given gifts.

In flight

My parents and I went to Dana Point to see what we could see at the ocean and what a site…seagulls bathing and resting all over the place.  What a great site!  Again I was given the metaphor of soaring and spreading my wings.  Towards lunch time we got a phone call from my Grandpa and my cousin they were near by and off we went to explore together.

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Spreading my wings…

12/29/2009 at 5:22 PM (Uncategorized)

The other night I was driving by the ocean and realized it was sunset.  The sky was completely gray except for a strip of color.  I pulled over and walked to the beach and WOW!  What a site, the ribbon running through the gray was orange, red, yellow, and a beautiful coral.  The water was still lit with the sky so it had a deep blue almost black look to it and the beach breaks were huge.  I was able to savor the moment of being blessed by mother nature and enveloped in her awesomeness.  The rhythm of the waves soothed the fear that will sit in my stomach and mildly ache so I could practice having faith that I am right where I need to be.  I was at a meeting where the topic was faith and the quote was…”courage is fear that has said its prayers.”  I know I am saying my prayers and my prayers are being answered.

I went for a run and decided I didn’t want to just back track and I wanted to up my mileage a little.  So off I went down a road and then took a left and took another left thinking that I could make one more left and I would be back at my starting point, not so much.  The second left took me deep into a housing development with no way out.  I could feel the frustration brewing because I didn’t get what I wanted and then…poof!..I got it.  I don’t get to know, ever, where my roads are leading.  I may have a plan but I don’t have a map so I get to experience everything in nano-seconds and THAT is my job.  I am always right where I need to be and I can always go back the way I came to gather more information and try again.  When I clocked the run, I realized I had doubled my mileage so I still got what I wanted. 

Last night I was looking up at the sky and in the break of the clouds there was an image of a bird with its wings spread out.  What a metaphor for me.  I have always known I have wings and now I get to see how big they are and how strong they are.  I have people who are dear to me keeping a space for me to return and so I know I can go farther, faster, and longer then I have ever been able to go and because of their love, I have faith I won’t disappear.

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I am off!

12/27/2009 at 1:11 AM (Uncategorized)

I am Free

Today starts the process of this wonderful unfolding.  I was given the blessing…”May you find what you are looking for.”  I wasn’t sure how I felt about that blessing.  I don’t feel like I am off to “find what I am looking for.”  I actually feel that I have ALREADY found what I am looking for and now I am off to experience faith.  When I am in my cozy little town, with my cozy friends and loved ones, and working in my cozy office, I have an illusion I am in control.  I know it is an illusion and yet it is a strong image that tomorrow I will have this cozy town to call home, cozy friends to call on, and a cozy office to go to work in.  This trip brings me to my truth…I am not in control.  I am taking this trip with the intent to strengthen my faith.  I want to be able to spread my wings and know the wind will carry me and allow me to soar.  I want to go out into the world without my loved ones by my side and know that I have an unconditional love that will carry me farther than I have ever been before.  I am practicing my faith by only purchasing a portion of my plane tickets.  I have a rough idea where and what I will be doing for the next month and then…I don’t know.  There is excitement brewing in me, fear nagging at me, guilt whispering to me, and freedom releasing me.  Today I am grateful for this experience and I have faith I am traveling through me faith.

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Just over 2 weeks to go…

12/08/2009 at 6:17 PM (Uncategorized)

So with just over 2 weeks before I leave Arizona I am getting excited, scared, sad, and a little overwhelmed.  I just purchased traveler’s insurance so I can place a check mark by that “to-do” on my list.  The snow last night has made for great inspiration to sit at this computer and update my blog.

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Where in the World is Becky Sue?

12/02/2009 at 8:11 PM (Uncategorized)

This is a blog for all those who want to participate in “Where in the World is Becky Sue?”  I am about to embark on a trip that will take me so far to California, Maui, Thailand and then…???  I leave Christmas night and I don’t know when I will be back to my Arizona home.  I am a massage therapist and have had my own practice for about 5 1/2 years.  I plan to learn more massage techniques as well as get to know the woman I am.  This blog will be a place for me to post pictures and for you to have an idea where I am and where I will be going.  I hope you can enjoy the unfolding as much as I will.

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