I am off!

12/27/2009 at 1:11 AM (Uncategorized)

I am Free

Today starts the process of this wonderful unfolding.  I was given the blessing…”May you find what you are looking for.”  I wasn’t sure how I felt about that blessing.  I don’t feel like I am off to “find what I am looking for.”  I actually feel that I have ALREADY found what I am looking for and now I am off to experience faith.  When I am in my cozy little town, with my cozy friends and loved ones, and working in my cozy office, I have an illusion I am in control.  I know it is an illusion and yet it is a strong image that tomorrow I will have this cozy town to call home, cozy friends to call on, and a cozy office to go to work in.  This trip brings me to my truth…I am not in control.  I am taking this trip with the intent to strengthen my faith.  I want to be able to spread my wings and know the wind will carry me and allow me to soar.  I want to go out into the world without my loved ones by my side and know that I have an unconditional love that will carry me farther than I have ever been before.  I am practicing my faith by only purchasing a portion of my plane tickets.  I have a rough idea where and what I will be doing for the next month and then…I don’t know.  There is excitement brewing in me, fear nagging at me, guilt whispering to me, and freedom releasing me.  Today I am grateful for this experience and I have faith I am traveling through me faith.


  1. Yaqin Lance Sandleben said,

    Tayata Om Beckendze Beckendze Maha Beckendze Radze Samo Gate Soha!

  2. Layla Gigax said,

    Oh my goodness!
    How amazingly said, my love!! I love that you’re out there, experiencing your faith. OhMYgosh! HOW DO I LOVE THIS?!?!? So much, that’s how. With all of me, that’s how. I appreciate your journey SO MUCH because you’re my dear friend (cozy even?) 🙂 and to see your journey, to see your faith in action is of most service to me.

    How Exciting!!!!!!!!
    Love you, friend!

  3. PNW Becky said,

    I’m so jealous! What a wonderful life experience – you will become (hard for me to believe) an even more beautiful woman than you are today. I’m certain God will bless you as It obviously has to date.

  4. Gramma (and Dad) said,

    We’re so happy for you and impressed with your eloquent way of expressing yourself. You’re truly a blessing and a most precious grand-daughter (daughter!) You’ll be in our prayers and thoughts every moment, with so much love. Can’t wait to read and see more!

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