A day to visit childhood

01/06/2010 at 10:13 PM (Uncategorized)

Today was a day to do all the fun things a kid does.  This morning Becca packed up her boys Stone and Ayden, and off we went.  We dropped Ayden off at school, then we took Becca to work leaving Stone and I to figure out what to do.  We ran a couple of errands…finding sunglasses, that has been the running theme around here.  Then we were off to find a fun activity…hmmm…Iao Valley, the beach, hiking, so many choices finally we decided on boogie boarding on the grass.  Stone and I packed up the boards and headed to a near by hill so he could show me his moves.

What a great way to remind myself that I am still young and can still have fun!

Later this evening after Becca was done with work and the boys were wired we packed them back up and off to the basketball courts we went.  I was reminded why I didn’t play basketball for many of my school years and why track was more my style.  I can’t shoot baskets worth a DARN!  I did go for a run and that seemed to do a lot more for my ego and for my body.  Now we are resting watching an animated movie and I am about as interested as I have ever been… Mom you know what I mean 🙂  What fun it is to be young and to give myself permission to participate in life in a young way too.

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A gift I wasn’t sure I was asking for…

01/06/2010 at 4:38 PM (Uncategorized)


Sometimes I wonder what the Universe has in store for me.  A friend stated something about wondering what I was leaving behind in their car because they didn’t know what I had brought in to help make sure I got it all out.  Well, I forgot me sunglasses in your glove compartment, they should be safe for now 😉   This leads me to this morning, I made sure I had everything with me that I needed and headed off to the airport.  At the airport I realized I was not able to squeeze my big backpack into the overhead so I decided to make my “carry on” a little smaller and my checked bag more full.  I put my address book, a daily meditation, and some information pamphlets into my checked bag on the side pocket.

The flights were fine, there was a lot of turbulence on the flight from Portland to Maui and there were a few families with small children.  The kids were well-behaved but a 6 hour flight will wear on anyone, I could tell I needed some movement when the plane finally landed about 30 minutes late.  Maui is as beautiful as ever!  I also had a wonderful treat, the plane was able to land into the Kona winds, that has always been a wish of mine and it came true.  Getting off the plane I was aware that I was again welcome to my “other” home.  I was welcomed by my good friend Becca and we were able to giggle about how the Universe takes care of us in such strange ways…she was running 30 minutes late and here I was also running late.  There were 3 backpacks wrapped in plastic that I was so hoping were mine but alas they were not (I checked them at least 3 times to make sure they weren’t mine).  My bag came around the corner without the plastic wrap and… weird the side pocket was open.  My purple puppy chewed flip-flops/slippers were there BUT no books, no pamphlets.  What had happened?   The Universe took what I didn’t need, I guess.  I also get to be reminded that I have exactly what I need at any given moment.  Here is to faith!

West Maui mountains

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