A rainy day in Paradise

01/07/2010 at 8:29 PM (Uncategorized)

I woke up to the coo of turtle doves and reminded me of a love song.  The sky was gray and the clouds hung heavy.  It was going to be a rainy day in Upcountry.  When I dropped Becca off at work Kihei they sky was dotted with sunshine and the rain was not falling to the ground.  I went to sit near the beach and just watch, I have been feeling a little disassociated and this was the perfect time to reconnect.  As I settled in there was a rainbow that appeared and one of the ends was just off the beach in the ocean.


I knew that the pot of gold was there underwater safe and sound.  Out of the corner of my eye I saw a HUGE splash from a humpback whale the keepers of the pot of gold.  The whales are here to calve and to mate.  As I adjusted my line of site I saw what looked to be a pectoral fin slap and a larger tail slap.  Oh how I do admire these gentle giants and can’t wait to get underwater with them. 

The rain always helps to set me up for an introspective journey and so I feel that I am living that quote…”you can never go home”. I do love Maui and have always felt loved here . I am just very aware it is changing like the rest of the planet, new faces, different store fronts, new buildings, and new roads.  I am glad to be here and to know that it is my Ocean Paradise. 

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